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38 frequently asked questions about diesel generator sets

Writer:SHILIDER Pubdate: 2023-03-21 15:03:05Update: 2023-04-07 08:04:15


1. Impact of different climatic environments on diesel generator set operation:
Dust and sandstorms
The salt water and mist at the seaside
The air contains corrosive gases such as sulfur dioxide

2. Composition of diesel generator set:
Diesel engine, generator, controller. Other components: base, base oil tank, radiator, water tank, recoil pad, anti speaker, muffler, silent speaker, and other components.

3. How long is the replacement time of the three filters of the diesel generator set:
Air filter: 1000 hours, which can shorten the replacement cycle for different environments.
Diesel filter: The first operation is to replace it within 50 hours, and then it is usually replaced within 400 hours. If the user
The diesel used is of poor quality and the replacement cycle needs to be shortened.
Oil filter: replace it after 50 hours of operation for the first time, and then replace it after 200 hours.

4. How to distinguish the authenticity of an engine:
Appearance: For professionals who are very familiar with engines, the appearance, color, and,
The overall color difference is used to distinguish the authenticity of the engine.
Identification identification: There are corresponding brand logo stickers on the body of diesel engines.
Nameplate discrimination: The nameplate on the engine is labeled with the engine number, and the cylinder block and oil pump also have corresponding codes. By calling the original factory to confirm the code, the authenticity of the power can be known.

5. Introduction to motor protection level IP:
I represents the level to prevent solid foreign objects from entering, with a maximum level of 6;
P represents the level of water prevention, with a maximum level of 8.
For example, the protection level is IP56, IP55, etc. (The protection level of D.NJ Power generators is IP56)

6. Introduction to motor insulation level:
The insulation level of the motor is divided according to the heat resistance level of the insulation material used, generally divided into 5 levels:
Grade A 105 degrees
E-level 120 degrees
B-level 130 degrees
Class F 155 degrees
H-level 180 degrees
D. The theater level of the N Power generator is H level.

7. Introduction to noise levels:
30-40 decibels is an ideal quiet environment. Exceeding 50 decibels can affect sleep and rest. Above 70 decibels can interfere with conversations and affect work efficiency. Long term living in noise environments above 90 decibels can seriously affect hearing and cause diseases such as neurasthenia, headaches, and elevated blood pressure. If suddenly exposed to a noise environment of up to 150 decibels, the auditory organs will experience sharp trauma, causing rupture and bleeding of the eardrum, and complete loss of hearing in both ears. To protect hearing, noise should be controlled to no more than 90 decibels; In order to ensure work and study, noise should be controlled to no more than 70 decibels. In order to ensure rest and sleep, noise should be controlled to no more than 50 decibels.

8. Purpose of parallel operation of diesel generator sets;
Expand power supply capacity
Improve power supply reliability and achieve uninterrupted power supply.

9. The role of ATS:
ATS is a switch between the mains power supply and the generator power supply, with two sets of switching contacts, one for power generation and the other for power generation
Yu Municipal Power. Automatic switching can be achieved through controller commands.

10. Fuel consumption calculation:
Fuel consumption (L/h)=diesel engine rated power (kw) X fuel consumption rate (g/kWh)/1000/0.84
(The density value of diesel 0 # is 0.84kg/L)

11. Commissioning steps of diesel generator set:
Diesel engine inspection - generator inspection - no-load debugging - on-load debugging - filling in debugging report - cleaning the site

12. Generators can be divided into several categories in terms of energy:
Nuclear, hydraulic, wind, and firepower. Among them, thermal power is further divided into coal, diesel, gasoline, gas, and biogas. The main generators we currently operate are diesel generators. Diesel is divided into light diesel (0 # diesel, commonly used in high-speed diesel engines) and heavy oil (120 # and 180 # diesel, commonly used in medium speed diesel engines and low speed diesel engines).

13. Main functions of the control system:
Equipped with manual, automatic, and test shutdowns
With various safety protection functions
Memory various faults during operation
LED fault display alarm
Display voltage, current, frequency, etc
Can be connected to an external computer, but the controller needs to have an RS232485 port

14. What will happen if the diesel generator is overloaded for a long time
The unit usually cannot overload during operation, but can withstand short-term overload. If the overload time of the unit is too long (exceeding
Over rated power may cause some conditions to occur.
Cooling system overheating
Generator winding overheating
Decomposition of lubricating oil concentration causing low oil pressure
Shortening of unit life

15. What happens if the unit load is too low?
If the engine is operating at low load for a long time, the water temperature will not rise to the normal temperature, the viscosity of the oil will increase, and the friction will increase. The oil that should have been burned in the cylinder forms a paint surface on the cylinder gasket due to heating. If the low load continues, blue smoke may appear, or the surface paint of the cylinder gasket needs to be removed or replaced.

16. What should I pay attention to when installing the exhaust system?
The generator set has its standard configuration, such as industrial muffler, flexible exhaust connection, and elbow. Users use the provided
Installation of exhaust system for supporting facilities is sufficient. However, the following points need to be noted during installation:
1. Confirm that the back pressure is lower than the set maximum value (usually not lower than 5Kpa)
2. Fix the exhaust system to avoid lateral and longitudinal pressure.
3. Leave room for contraction and expansion
4. Leave room for vibration
5. Reduce exhaust noise

17. Is it feasible to immediately add cooling water when the temperature of the diesel engine is too high?
Never, wait until the engine is Free cooling to normal temperature before adding cooling water. If there is a shortage of water and overheating in the diesel engine
In the case of sudden addition of cooling water, cracks may occur in the cylinder head, cylinder liner, cylinder block, etc. due to drastic changes in temperature and cold,
Causing serious damage to the engine.

18. ATS self switching operation steps:
1. Manual operation mode of the module:
After turning on the power key, press the "Manual" button of the module to start directly. When the unit starts successfully and operates normally, the automation module also enters a self check state. It will automatically enter the speed up state. After the speed up is successful, the unit will enter automatic closing and grid connection according to the module's display.
2. Fully automatic operation mode:
Set the module to the "automatic" position, and the unit enters the quasi start state. In the automatic state, the power supply status is automatically detected and judged for a long time through external switch signals. Once there is a malfunction or loss of power in the mains, it immediately enters the automatic start state. When the mains power comes on, it will automatically switch to open, slow down, and shut down. After the mains power is restored to normal, after confirmation by the system 3S, the unit automatically trips and exits the grid, with a delay of 3 minutes, automatically shuts down, and automatically enters the preparation state for the next automatic start.

19. What to do if the cylinder sealing of diesel generator set becomes low and it is difficult to start?
When the engine is started cold, especially in winter, because there is little oil on the piston ring and cylinder wall, and the sealing effect is poor, the engine will be repeatedly started and cannot be ignited. Diesel generator sets sometimes seriously affect the sealing performance of cylinders due to heavy cylinder wear, making starting more difficult. For this, the fuel injector can be removed and 30-40ml of engine oil can be added to each cylinder to enhance the sealing performance of the cylinder and increase the pressure during compression.

20. Self control protection function of diesel generator.
Diesel engines and alternators are equipped with various sensors, such as water temperature sensors, oil pressure sensors, etc. Through these sensors, the operating status of the diesel engine can be visually displayed to the operator. With these sensors, an upper limit can be set. When the limit value is reached or exceeded, the control system will give a warning in advance. If the operator does not take measures at this time, The control system will automatically shut down the unit, which is the way the diesel generator sets protect themselves.
The sensor plays the role of receiving and feedback various information, and the control system of the diesel generator set really displays these data and performs the protection function.

21. What are the noise sources of the diesel generator set?
Intake noise, exhaust noise, and cooling fan noise
Combustion noise during combustion chamber operation and mechanical noise caused by friction of engine components
Noise generated by high-speed rotation of rotors in electromagnetic fields

22. Starting skills of diesel generator set in winter.
Preheating: The cooling system can heat water and use a heat source to heat the oil pan.
Improving airtightness: The fuel injector can be removed and 30-40ml of engine oil can be added to each cylinder to enhance the sealing performance of the cylinder and increase the pressure during compression.
Turning: Before starting, shake the crankshaft to make it run smoothly before starting.

23. What is the role of the diesel generator set piston ring?
Heat transfer effect
Control oil
Supporting effect
Maintain air tightness

24. How many ways and sequences are there for the new machine to run in?
First, cold run in, manually rotate, or external force drives the crankshaft to rotate.
After hot running in, no load running in.

25. Why is the engine oil deteriorating?
Use engine oil with incorrect grade and substandard quality.
The operating condition of the unit is not good, with gas and oil leakage, large fitting clearance, and high oil temperature.
The unit often operates at low temperatures.
The exhaust gas enters the oil pan and condenses into water and acidic substances.
The oil filter is too dirty, the filter leaks, and the engine oil is not filtered by the filter.

26. What is the function of the oil pump?
The function of the oil pump is to provide sufficient pressure of oil to the lubrication system, ensuring effective lubrication of each moving component. Currently, gear and rotor type oil pumps are widely used in diesel engines.

27. What is the function of the governor?
The governor should be able to sensitively adjust the fuel supply according to changes in external loads to maintain stable speed. It must have two basic components: sensing elements and actuators.

28. What is the function of the automatic voltage regulator?
The automatic voltage regulator (AVR) tightly maintains a stable voltage for the generator from no load to full load. This AVR has a voltage frequency (Hz) proportional characteristic, which correctly adjusts and reduces the output voltage when the rated speed decreases. This feature is beneficial for protecting the engine when a large load is suddenly added.

29. Battery maintenance?
For machines that are frequently used, the battery generally does not have any problems. As long as policy maintenance is done, it is good. If the battery has not been used for a long time, it should be regularly checked and charged every 12 weeks (8 weeks in tropical areas).

30.Under what circumstances does the unit automatically delay shutdown?
Fuel level is too low, water temperature is too high, water level is too low, overload, start failure, and corresponding signals are issued.

31.Under what circumstances does the unit come to an emergency stop?
Overspeed, short circuit, phase loss, high voltage, voltage loss, low frequency

32.Under what circumstances does the unit automatically emit an audible and visual alarm signal?
Low oil pressure, high water temperature, low water level, overload, startup failure, overspeed, short circuit, phase loss, high voltage, voltage loss, low frequency, low starting battery voltage, high starting battery voltage, low oil level, and the alarm system of the unit have relay contacts

33. What kind of oil filter does the diesel generator set have?
Mechanical separation
Centrifugal separation
Magnetic adsorption

34. What is the reason for the decrease in compression ratio?
The position of the piston at the end of compression is too low: related parts are worn, deformed, etc.
The combustion chamber volume increases: valve seat ring wear, piston top depression, cylinder gasket too thick, etc.

35. What are the automatic control functions of the diesel generator set?
Automatic heating device
Automatic regulation of diesel engine speed
Charging system
Instrument system self
Starting system

36. How does the automatic heating device work?
On diesel engines, an automatic cooling water heating device is generally installed to ensure that the generator set is in a standby state, and the diesel engine should be in a hot state, so that the generator set can start and work with load within 15 seconds when the power supply is lost.
The automatic heating device of the diesel engine, when the water temperature is below 30 degrees Celsius, the contact of the temperature controller is connected, KM is closed, and the heater EH operates. When the water temperature rises to 50 degrees Celsius, the temperature controller contacts open, KM is released, and the heater EH is powered off.
In addition to cooling water heating devices, there are also oil heating devices and battery heaters.

37. How to observe the power of a maintenance free battery with the naked eye?
There is usually a transparent observation port above the battery, and when we look down from above, we can see the color inside. If it is green, it indicates that the battery is fully charged. If it is white, it indicates that charging is needed. If it is black, it indicates that replacement is needed.

38. What is the reason for the white solid on the battery terminal?
This is a normal phenomenon. The white solid is the product of battery terminals and air oxidation, which will disappear when washed with boiling water during cleaning.

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Experience in the production of generators, a wealth of practical experience accumulated worldwide, mature processes and technology.