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Different prices of diesel generator sets, the gap in which places?

Writer:SHILIDER Pubdate: 2023-04-27 14:04:47Update: 2023-04-27 14:04:47

Diesel generators are a kind of mechanical equipment powered by diesel internal combustion engine, driving the generator to generate electricity, which is used as a common power source and standby power source for enterprises, factories, hotels, hospitals and other places.

When selecting a diesel generator set, price is usually the primary consideration. The sales price of different generator sets can vary greatly, and it can be said that their price is related to brand, quality, usage etc.

SHILIDER has summarised the main factors affecting the price of diesel generator sets for you, so that you can hopefully buy the right generator.


The gap between different prices of diesel generator sets

First, the unit brand

Different brands of diesel generator sets offer different prices. Generally speaking, because of the brand premium, after-sales service and other factors, the higher the popularity of the brand, the higher the price of diesel generators.

Secondly, domestic generators to joint venture generators to imported generators, the price is in increasing order.


Second, the unit power

The higher the power of the diesel generator set, the higher the price. When buying a diesel generator to ask carefully about the common power and standby power, according to the actual demand and power to choose the right power unit.


Third, the unit configuration

Generator configuration is mainly engine, generator, radiator, switch, filter, silencer, battery and other components, the higher the configuration, the more expensive, users can choose the right unit configuration according to specific work needs.


Fourth, the market supply and demand

The amount of market demand determines the price of diesel generator sets. Supply more than demand, the price of generators down, supply less than demand, the price of generators up.


Fifth, the weather factors

With the rise in temperature, the increase in electricity consumption, weather changes will also bring the price of generators. When the weather is colder, relatively speaking, the demand for generators less, the price of generators will fall.


Sixth, the value of the diesel generator set itself

The value of the generator set is an important factor affecting the offer, the offer always fluctuates around the value of the generator up and down.


Seven, excitation mode

Generators are divided into brushed excitation and brushless magnetism, brushless motor prices are higher than brushed.


In the purchase of diesel generator set to choose a formal manufacturer, sign a formal purchase and sale contract, pay attention to the contract in the diesel engine, generator, control panel brand model and whether the function is consistent with what you ordered, check whether the accessories are available when you receive the goods.

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Experience in the production of generators, a wealth of practical experience accumulated worldwide, mature processes and technology.