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Why hospitals must have backup diesel generator sets

Writer:SHILIDER Pubdate: 2023-06-07 17:06:36Update: 2023-06-07 17:06:36

Diesel generator sets have a very important role and significance when it comes to medical facilities. Medical facilities have a particularly high demand for electricity, and a power outage may result in very serious consequences, such as the violent death of an emergency patient in surgery.

Therefore, diesel generator sets provide stable, continuous and high quality power service for medical facilities, and hospitals must have standby diesel generator sets.


Why hospitals must have standby diesel generator sets

Hospitals must have standby diesel generator sets, mainly for the following considerations:

1. To ensure the reliability of power supply. The hospital's medical equipment requirements for electrical energy is very high, if you can not provide a stable power supply in a timely manner, it will have a very serious impact, and even endanger the lives of patients. Therefore, the backup diesel generator set can fully meet the needs of the hospital, even if encountered power outages and other unexpected circumstances, but also in the first time to provide a stable power supply, to protect the hospital continuous, stable, high-quality electricity.


2. Safeguard life safety. Hospitals need to use many key equipment, such as respirators, heartbeat monitors and surgical lights in the operating room, once the power outage, medical services will not be able to continue, which may lead to a very serious impact on the patient's surgery, rescue and other key operations. Diesel generator sets can ensure that the hospital in an emergency will not interrupt the power supply to protect the lives of patients.

3. Respond to emergencies. Natural disasters, man-made damage and other emergencies may lead to large-scale power outages, and diesel generator sets can respond well to these situations. Especially for some areas with extremely cold environment, the power system often suffers damage, diesel generator sets can also cope with this situation, to ensure the normal operation of the hospital.


4. Flexibility and compatibility. The backup diesel generator set can be flexibly configured according to different needs and uses in the design and planning of the hospital, and can be used as a centralized power supply system or decentralized power supply system, meanwhile, the diesel generator set can be compatible with other power reserve schemes and can be better adapted to the hospital's power system. Moreover, the cost of diesel generator sets in start-up, adjustment and maintenance is relatively low.


To sum up, the backup diesel generator sets are extremely important to ensure the stable power supply of the hospital. The backup diesel generator sets can meet the hospital's power consumption needs and respond to emergencies, ensuring that the hospital can better provide quality medical services for people's healthy life.

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