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Reasons why diesel generators do not turn off properly

Writer:SHILIDER Pubdate: 2023-05-09 16:05:47Update: 2023-05-09 16:05:47

Diesel generators are a common type of power generation equipment.

In the process of use, sometimes there will not be normal flameout, the following are some of the reasons why diesel generators can not be normal flameout.


Diesel generators can not be normal flameout reasons

1. Fuel problem

The quality and supply of fuel will affect the diesel generator flameout.

If there are too many impurities in the fuel, or if the fuel supply pipe or filter is blocked, it will lead to insufficient fuel supply, so that the generator can not be properly shut off.

2. Air problems

The amount of air supplied will also affect the diesel generator's flameout.

If the air inlet of the generator is blocked or the air filter is blocked, it will make the air supply insufficient and cause the generator not to stall properly.


3. Electrical problems

The electrical system of a diesel generator can also affect flameout.

If the battery is low or if the battery contact is poor, the electrical system will not work properly and will cause the generator not to turn off the engine properly.

4. Mechanical problems

The mechanical parts of the diesel generator can also affect the flameout.

If there is damage or wear to the mechanical parts of the engine, this will result in the generator not stalling properly.


5. Governor problems

The governor of a diesel generator can also affect flameout.

If the governor is not properly adjusted or damaged, it will cause the generator not to turn off the engine properly.


These are some of the reasons why diesel generators do not fire off properly. When using the generator, attention should be paid to the maintenance and servicing of the generator, timely inspection and replacement of fuel, air, electrical and mechanical parts to ensure the normal operation of the generator.

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