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Analysis of the causes of generator set shaking - How to prevent generator shaking measures

Writer:SHILIDER Pubdate: 2023-05-12 09:05:15Update: 2023-05-12 09:05:15

Generator sets are widely used in industrial production, building construction, agricultural production and other fields.

However, sometimes generator sets may shake, causing inconvenience and harm to production and work. In this article, we will analyse the causes of shaking of generator sets from the following aspects.


The internal causes of the unit

Generator set internal failure or component damage may cause the unit shaking. Specific reasons are as follows:

1. engine imbalance

Engine imbalance is one of the main reasons for the shaking of the generator set. When the centre of gravity of the engine deviates from the axis of rotation, the phenomenon of imbalance will occur, resulting in the unit shaking. This usually occurs when the engine is used for a long time, improperly maintained, improperly matched, etc.

2. Poor unit support

When the unit is poorly supported, it can also cause the unit to shake. Poor unit support may be caused by a lack of solid foundation, unbalanced ground, incorrect unit angle, etc.

3. Oil pump failure

The oil pump is one of the core components of the engine and if it fails, it may cause the unit to shake. Oil pump failure is usually due to too much dirt accumulating inside the oil pump or not working properly, resulting in insufficient or unstable oil pressure, which causes the unit to shake.

4. Engine bearing damage

The engine bearing is one of the key components of the generator set, and if the bearing is damaged, it may cause the set to shake. Bearing damage is usually due to prolonged use, lack of lubrication, excessive wear and other reasons.


The external causes of the unit

In addition to the internal reasons, the external environmental factors may also cause the unit shaking. The specific reasons are as follows:

1. Unstable voltage of the power grid

The output voltage of the generator set is affected by the voltage of the power grid. If the voltage is unstable, it will affect the output voltage of the generator set, thus causing the set to jitter.

2. Uneven load on the unit

When the load on the unit is uneven, it may also cause the unit to jitter. For example, when the load on the unit suddenly increases, the unit may not be able to adjust in time, thus causing the unit to jitter.

3. Climatic conditions

Climatic conditions may also affect the operating condition of the unit. For example, when the temperature is too high or too low, the unit may not work normally, thus causing the unit to shake.


Measures to prevent the unit from shaking

In order to prevent the unit from shaking, the following measures need to be taken:

1. Regular inspection of the unit

Regular inspection of the unit, timely detection and troubleshooting is one of the basic measures to prevent the unit from shaking.

2. Strengthening unit maintenance

Strengthening the maintenance of the unit, including lubrication, cleaning and replacing damaged parts, can effectively reduce the occurrence of unit shaking.

3. Ensure unit support

Ensuring the support of the unit, including the construction of the foundation and the installation angle of the unit, etc., can reduce the occurrence of unit shaking.

4. Ensure the stability of the grid voltage

Ensuring stable grid voltage can reduce the occurrence of unit jitter.

5. Uniform load

Ensure the uniform load of the unit can reduce the occurrence of unit jitter.


To sum up, unit jitter may be caused by various reasons, including internal and external causes.

In order to prevent jittering, various measures need to be taken, including regular inspection of the unit, strengthening unit maintenance, ensuring unit support, ensuring stable grid voltage and ensuring uniform load on the unit. Only in this way can the safe and stable operation of the unit be ensured.

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