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Diesel generator startup shows generator undervoltage is what happened

Writer:SHILIDER Pubdate: 2023-05-17 09:05:51Update: 2023-05-17 09:05:59

Diesel generator set is an important equipment for backup power, and its power generation can meet the needs of many occasions.

However, in the process of use, sometimes there will be under-voltage situation, which brings some harm to the use of equipment, this article will analyze and explain the problem of diesel generator set under-voltage from several angles.


What is the generator set under voltage

Generator set undervoltage is a situation where the generator output voltage is below the standard value range.

Under normal circumstances, the standard voltage range of generator sets is usually 220V-240V or 380V-415V, with specific values varying according to different countries, regions and use environments.

When the output voltage of the generator set is lower than the standard value, it is called generator set undervoltage.


Causes of generator set undervoltage

Next we look at some of the possible causes of generator set undervoltage. These causes include

1. aging of the equipment

If a diesel generator has been in operation for a long time, the equipment may become old or worn out, which may cause the output voltage of the generator set to fall below the standard value. 

2. Excitation system failure

The generator excitation system is an important part of controlling the output voltage of the generator set. If the excitation system fails, or is unable to provide sufficient power to the generator, then the generator set may not operate properly, resulting in undervoltage.

3. Overload

The rated capacity of a diesel generator set is limited. If the load exceeds the carrying capacity of the generator set, it will cause the output voltage of the generator set to fall below the standard value.

4. System failure

The connection lines between the diesel generator set and other equipment may be loose or damaged due to prolonged use, which will affect the power output and lead to an undervoltage situation.

5. Battery problems

Diesel generator sets require batteries to provide starting energy. If the batteries are low, they will not provide enough energy to start the generator set and charge it. This will cause the genset to undervoltage and eventually stop operation.


Possible Hazards of Generator Set Undervoltage

If a diesel generator set starts up with an undervoltage condition, then the following hazards may result:

1. Equipment damage

Many parts and components in the diesel generator set may be damaged due to undervoltage, which will lead to shortened equipment life.

2. Production accidents

In some production situations where high voltage stability is required, if the generator set is under-voltage, it will lead to production stoppage or production accidents, which will affect the normal operation of the enterprise.

3. Safety hazards

Diesel generator set undervoltage may also lead to the emergence of safety hazards, in some occasions requiring high voltage stability, safety issues are particularly prominent.


How to avoid generator set undervoltage

Regular maintenance

First of all, regular maintenance is one of the effective ways to avoid undervoltage of the generator set. After a diesel generator set runs for a long time, the equipment may become aged or worn out, which may cause the output voltage of the generator set to be lower than the standard value. Therefore, the wearing parts in the equipment need to be checked and replaced regularly to ensure that the equipment is in the best condition.

Checking the excitation system

Secondly, checking the excitation system is also one of the most important ways to avoid undervoltage of the generator set. The generator excitation system is an important part of controlling the output voltage of the generator set. If the excitation system fails, or is unable to provide sufficient power to the generator, then the generator set may not operate properly, resulting in undervoltage. Therefore, regular inspection and maintenance of the generator excitation system can effectively avoid generator set undervoltage.

Reasonable load

Proper use of the generator set and reasonable load arrangement is also one of the important methods to avoid generator set undervoltage. The rated capacity of a diesel generator set is limited. If the load exceeds the carrying capacity of the generator set, it will cause the output voltage of the generator set to be lower than the standard value. Therefore, when using the generator set, arrange the load reasonably according to the rated capacity of the equipment, so as to avoid overload and under-voltage.

Regular inspection of wiring

Regularly checking the connection lines between the diesel generator set and other equipment for looseness or damage is also one of the important ways to avoid undervoltage of the generator set. The connection lines may become loose or damaged after a long period of use, which will affect the power output and lead to undervoltage situation. Regular inspection of the wiring and timely repair can effectively avoid undervoltage in the generator set.

Pay attention to battery use

Diesel generator sets need batteries to provide starting energy. If the battery is low, it will not provide enough energy to start and charge the generator set. This will cause the generator set to under-voltage and eventually stop operating. Therefore, regularly checking the battery for sufficient power and charging the battery can effectively avoid the generator set undervoltage situation.


In conclusion, genset undervoltage is a serious problem that affects the normal operation of equipment or production.

Avoiding undervoltage of generator sets requires consideration from several angles and various measures, such as regular maintenance, checking the excitation system, reasonable load, regular inspection of wiring and attention to battery use, etc. Only by considering all aspects can we avoid the occurrence of undervoltage of generator sets.

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