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Diesel engine parts-Diesel generator sets are composed of which parts

Writer:SHILIDER Pubdate: 2023-04-21 10:04:42Update: 2023-04-21 10:04:42

Diesel generator set is a kind of internal combustion generator set, is currently more widely used in the world of power generation equipment, its main components by the diesel engine, AC synchronous generator, control system, cooling system and public base, etc., is now widely used in finance, hospitals, municipal construction, schools, commercial, factory enterprises and national defense as emergency backup power.

Many people are curious about the structure and working principle of diesel generator sets, so this content will take you to know what each part of the diesel engine is like in the form of illustrations.


Diesel engine parts - diesel generator set consists of which parts


The primary component of a modern diesel engine is the cylinder block, which contains all the parts related to the combustion process.

Each cylinder has an open space where the combustion process takes place.



The crankshaft converts the reciprocating linear motion resulting from combustion into a rotary motion.


Connecting rods

The connecting rod connects the crankshaft to the piston and transmits the power generated by combustion.



Each connecting rod has a piston attached to the top of it.

The pistons form the bottom of the combustion chamber and move up and down in the cylinder when the engine is in operation.


Cylinder head

The cylinder head is mounted on the top of the block and seals the cylinder from above and forms the combustion chamber.

In the internal combustion process, the cylinder head needs to bear a large thermal and mechanical load.

Depending on the design, some engines have a single head covering all the combustion chambers, while others have a separate head for each chamber.



In a closed cylinder, the engine needs to exhaust the combustion gases through the exhaust and draw in fresh air through the intake. Normally, there are two intake valves and two exhaust valves per cylinder.


Fuel injectors

The injectors are responsible for injecting fuel into the cylinders and are the most complex part of the combustion system. The injectors are required to inject a precise amount of fuel into the combustion chamber at the top of the cylinder at a precise injection timing.



Most engines still rely on a mechanical system to open and close the valves, while others still control fuel injection by means of a mechanical drive (not electronically controlled). The valves are controlled [open and closed] by the phase angle between the camshaft and crankshaft.


The precise collaboration between the components of the diesel engine in conjunction with the crankshaft ensures that the four cylinders of the engine are on different strokes for smooth engine operation.

Engines with more than four cylinders are optimised to achieve better smooth running with high power output.

Most modern engines are balanced for various performance requirements with an even number of cylinders.

Through the above introduction, do you have a new understanding of diesel generators?

Although there are many different types of diesel generators, the mechanism and system may differ between the different types and uses of diesel generators, but their function is basically the same.

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